Moikka seksikäs!


My name is Sven Bauweraerts, I'm a 22 year old Graphic Designer from Belgium and according to my Tinder profile a fulltime Finland lover, a professional photobomber,

Snapchat expert, a cheese & coffee addict and a definite swipe right!

I'm great with Illustrator, Photoshop and Indesign. I love to make GIF's and I'm passionate about typography and photography.

(2013-2016) BA Degree Graphic Design @ St. Lucas School of Arts Antwerp, Belgium.

Exchange studies:

(2015-2016) 1st semester Graphic Design @ Aalto University Helsinki, Finland —participating in the MA program.

(2016-2017) MA Degree Graphic Design @ St. Lucas School of Arts Antwerp, Belgium.

Currently looking for an awesome job!

Any questions? Feel free to write me a message at sven.bauweraerts I'm also available on Whatsapp and Telegram with the following number +32 487 29 72 06. So call me baby!

But failed it


Used typeface: Sporting Grotesk by Velvetyne